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And Tango Makes Three, by Justin Richardson Peter Parnell
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About the Author
Justin Richardson, MD, is the coauthor, with Peter Parnell, of the award-winning picture book And Tango Makes Three. Dr. Richardson is an assistant professor of psychiatry at Columbia and Cornell and the coauthor of Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid They’d Ask). Dr. Richardson and his advice have been featured in The New York Times and The Washington Post, on the Today show and NPR’s Morning Edition, and in numerous magazines. Dr. Richardson lectures to parents and teachers on parenting and the sexual development of children.Peter Parnell is the coauthor, with Justin Richardson, of And Tango Makes Three. He is a playwright whose plays have been produced at the Public Theater and Playwrights Horizons in New York City, the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles, and the Seattle Repertory Company, among others. His play QED was produced on Broadway. He has written extensively for television as a producer for both The West Wing and The Guardian; he has also written episodes of Maurice Sendak’s series Little Bear. He lives in New York City.Henry Cole has written and illustrated more than fifty books for children, including Big Bug, And Tango Makes Three, Oink?, and Little Bo in France. A former elementary school teacher, he now writes and paints full time.
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Product details
Age Range: 4 - 8 years
Grade Level: Preschool - 3
Lexile Measure: AD520L (What's this?)
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Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Little Simon; Book and CD edition (June 2, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 148144994X
ISBN-13: 978-1481449946
Product Dimensions:
11 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
369 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#210,384 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Funny - as I finished reading this beautiful book for the first time, one of my old favorite songs (by Hal David/Burt Bacharach) as a child growing up in the 60's started playing in my head...What the world needs now is love sweet love,It's the only thing that there's just too little of.What the world needs now is love sweet love,No not just for some but for everyone!The simplicity of the words husband and husband team Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell have used to tell the true story of a couple of male chinstrap penguins (Roy and Silo) at New York's Central Park Zoo, who had paired off as a couple and were given an extra fertilized egg to hatch on their way to becoming a family unlike any of the zoo's other animal families (but a family nonetheless!), makes this book a perfect way to begin naturally introducing the concepts of acceptance and inclusion to youngsters. The soft illustrations by Henry Cole are such a nice complement to the story - I'm really looking forward to sharing this special book with our four grandchildren, who will most certainly be meeting many families of varying composition during their lifetimes! The way baby Tango and his dads are welcomed by the children coming to see them after his birth is a good "footprint in the sand" to leave on a child's growing sense of the world around them.I'm a dozen years late in my personal discovery of the book, so I missed the brouhaha surrounding its 2005 publication, having appeared on the American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom's "Top Ten Most Challenged Book List" from 2006-2010, reappearing in 2012, and - sadly - again as late as 2014. This is such a gentle book, and to imagine literature that celebrates the love and devotion of parents would ever appear on such a list is disheartening. This is a sweet book that talks of the desire to share a home and a family (I'll type the text in the comment section below for parents/grandparents to read for themselves if they're on the fence about the book.) The younger of my two sons is gay, has been in a committed and happy relationship with his partner for seven years, and should they eventually marry and decide to begin a family, it would be so painful to the heart of this mother to see his family shunned or ridiculed. I hope the authors have not experienced it since the birth of their own daughter, little Gemma, whom I suppose is about 8 years old now and feeling very loved and secure.Children are drawn to books about animals, there aren't too many animals cuter or funnier than penguins, and if you're a parent or grandparent who's searching for ways to begin opening your child's mind to the concept of the different types of families they'll encounter (or may be a part of!) along life's journey, as I myself have been, I think "And Tango Makes Three" is a nice place to start.
I am so happy to have finally purchased this book! As an educator, I am excited to share this book with my students during "Banned Book Week" as I know that they will ask the reason why this book is banned from so many different schools and libraries. It's an added bonus that Neil Patrick Harris narrates the audiobook.
Got this for my goddaughter for her Christmas. I babysat her and she played dolls with me and insisted that the house had to "have a mommy and a daddy and a boy and a girl" (she's 4), so I got this so she could learn about all different types of families and what families can look like. She loved it because of the penguins and the story is just the cutest. Her mom was thrilled too.
When I bought this book I had read it before. I loved the story I loved the cute penguins but I also loved how this book taught love and acceptance. At first I was a little worried to show it to my administrators at work (I work at a preschool) but they all LOVED it and were raving about it! I had the book for a few short weeks. It was the most loved book of the classroom. All the kids loved tango, so much so when they see a penguin it's not a penguin it's tango. The kids are to young to understand the part of tango having two daddies. But they do know that the daddies love tango. This book teaches them at a young age that love is love and Roy and silo love tango, and that's all that matters. I'm ashamed to say the book has since been lost, I had it in a special spot and when I returned from vacation it had vanished. No where to be found. I have a coworker who is religious and known for taking books with themes he doesn't believe in. Sad thing is I bought this book with my own money.It's a lovely look and I hope you and your children can enjoy this book together.
My son and me love to read this book, the illustrations are very cute too. I really like that it is a true story and that it depicts a lot of our beloved central park zoo.
We love this book, and it holds up well to a toddler whi is an enthusiastic reader. Such a great story!
Fantastic book for my classroom! This book really helps kids understand that queer families are perfectly normal.
This is a wonderful story- humans could learn a lot from the Penguins
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